If you are interested in the trucking industry and like the idea of working flexible hours, weekly home time, and growing your career, we have open positions available to pursue your passion. We have trucking jobs all over Kentucky, and we serve customers across the United States.
Daniel Boone once said, “Heaven must be a Kentucky kind of place,” and with the Kentucky Derby, Kentucky Bourbon, and Kentucky Fried Chicken, it’s kind of hard to disagree with him. Seriously, what horse lover wouldn’t want to visit the Horse Capital of the World and the Saddlebred Capital of the World? And whether you’re new to bourbon or an aficionado, National Bourbon Month and the Kentucky Bourbon Trail are sure to be a major attraction. Once America’s First Frontier, this southeastern state has something for everybody, from rock formations that draw climbers from around the world, mountains that sing with history and adventure, wild rivers that beckon paddlers and anglers, the longest known cave system on earth, to lakes that make Kentucky the “Houseboat Capital of the World.” And while the Bluegrass State obviously is a major player in the bourbon industry, it has fingers in many more pies, from automotive to primary metals to agriculture to logistics. If you’re looking for Heaven on Earth and a place to call home, keep Kentucky on your radar.